Q: "What's the long-term security outlook?"
A: Long-term it’s good for several reasons.
1. Vendors are constantly developing new and improved products.
2. Users are getting more awareness and practical security training.
3. Companies derive competitive advantages by connecting with suppliers, customers and partners. It's increasingly understood by business managers that 'networking stuff' is needed to make money. And thanks to compliance mandates like PCI DSS, security is getting more attention and funding. Or at least it was.
Short-term there’s an increasing danger secondary ripple effects of the financial crisis. IT Security organizations, and other cost centers, will likely be squeezed to invest less time, resources and finances on solving security problems. This would be a dangerous win for the bad guys, who could have weaker, poorer funded defenses to contend with.
Contrast this with the time when governments on both sides of the axis had a clear focus and funding for cryptographic technologies as a lever in the information warfare of WWII.